Hope Lutheran Church is a congregation affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and more locally, as part of the Southeast Michigan Synod (SEMI Synod).  Through these affiliations, we support and participate in a wide variety of initiatives at both the ELCA and SEMI Synod level related to service, mission, and outreach in sharing the love of God with the local and global community.  See below for more information about initiatives and activities Hope is involved in with both the ELCA and SEMI Synod.

  • Synod Immigration & Refugee Task Force

    Lead: Jessica Beamer

    The SEMI ELCA Synod Immigration and Refugee Task Force is a group formed by the Synod in 2010 and focuses on advocacy and education in the areas of Immigration and Refugees from a Lutheran perspective.

    For information about this task force and other SEMI Synod task forces, please click here.